Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Healer
Assigned Colour: #D59139
Zodiac: Ophiuchus
Element: Darkness
Greek God: Asclepius
Archangel: Raphael
Tarot Card: Judgement
House 8: Transformation
Birthstone: Blue-Green, Turquoise (Protection and Healing)
Race: Half-Orc
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Rebel
Assigned Colour: #E7623E
Zodiac: Scorpio
Element: Poison
Greek God: Hades
Archangel: Jeremiel
Tarot Card: Death
House 8: Transformation
Birthstone: Pink, Tourmaline (Balance and Endurance)
Race: Half Elf
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Jester
Assigned Colour: #AB6DAC
Zodiac: Gemini
Element: Death
Greek God: Athena
Archangel: Zadkiel
Tarot Card: The Lovers
House 3: Communication
Birthstone: Green, Emerald (Happiness and Fertility)
Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure.
It’s all about control when it comes to The Cleric; authority, regulation, organization, and fatherliness. He is a symbol of the masculine principle; the paternal figure in life that gives structure, creates rules and systems, and imparts knowledge. The Cleric desires to foster honour and discipline, but perhaps not necessarily to create happiness. He guides with a firm hand, following the calling of the crown above all else, though he understands that to reign is also to serve, thus he acts according to what is for the greater good.
The Unstoppable Force
The Cleric is restless, endlessly moving forward. As such, they are never comfortable being in one place for too long. They also have a strong desire to improve themselves, often viewing their pursuits through the lens of a competition, as glory and victory give them a sense of forward momentum. Still, while The Cleric will commit to strict training for the sake of self-improvement, they nonetheless value new experiences to challenge themselves.
Competitive Spirit
Opportunities to prove your mettle find you wherever you go. Talent seekers tend to gravitate towards you, and you can easily recognize when competition is happening or being planned. For instance, you might recognize an upcoming tournament or you could be recruited into a contest of some kind.
The Cleric is a motivated and accomplished member of any adventuring party, often becoming the leader and decision maker due to their profound sense of direction and momentum. They will also develop a passionate appreciation for their companions, should such companions prove themselves loyal and hardworking. Left without an anchor, however, The Cleric may become uncontrolled, pressing forward without consideration and directing tyrannical fury upon those unfortunate enough to get in their way.
- I often turn simple tasks into competitions between myself and my companions.
- I have an intensive daily workout routine that I wouldn't miss for the world.
- I never seem to run out of energy.
- I always appear confident and determined, no matter the circumstance.
- I am extremely hesitant to part with my gear, taking armaments to inappropriate places.
- I do not enjoy relaxing, instead preferring to do something productive with my time.
- I gravitate to immediate fixes over long term solutions, preferring to live day-to-day.
- Deception and lies are a waste of time.
Support: It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak.
Strength: Goals and visions are nothing without the grit to realize them.
Domination: My will is supreme and in order to realize my goals I must exert it upon others, willing or not.
Glory: The best thing in life is to die satisfied with who you are and what you've done.
Change: A stagnant world is one that is boring and useless.
Achievement: Someone's worth can often be measured by the medals they wear on their chest.
- I will become the best in the world, be that a sport or another activity.
- I seek glory and riches for the sake of those I left behind.
- I have an intense need to prove my naysayers wrong.
- If someone dear to me has taken a dark path, I can shake them from it.
- I have a longstanding rival, one day, I will best them once and for all.
- It's up to me to uplift others so that they can achieve their greatest potential.
- I often take action before thinking through the situation.
- I easily become restless and impatient, always eager to move forward.
- If unsure of how to subdue them, I take out my frustrations on those around me.
- It's not that I don't think I can die, it's just that I prefer not to consider it.
- I answer questions that were not addressed to me and give unsolicited advice.
- I always think that I can fulfill someone else's responsibilities better than they can.
Miscellaneous Ideas
Species: Ram
Weapons: Morningstars, Light Hammers, Maces, and Shields
Archetype: The Ruler
Assigned Colour: #91A1B2
Zodiac: Aries
Element: Fire
Greek God: Ares, the God of War
Archangel: Ariel, the Angel of Nature
Tarot Card: The Emperor
House 1: Self
Birthstone: Light Blue, Aquamarine (Courage and Health)
Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude; mercy and goodness.
The Druid embraces the conventional, a certain desire to actually follow a process which has been well established. The Druid wants to stay within certain conventional bounds of what could be considered orthodox, so instead of being innovative, they will be adapting to certain beliefs and systems which are already put in place.
The Druid suggests that it’s better for you to follow social structures which are established and have their own traditions. You might be involved in certain ceremonies, rituals or other religious trappings, for instance.
The Immovable Object
When an unstoppable force meets and immovable object, chances are that immovable object is The Druid. That is not to say they are lazy, but stubborn. Unless The Druid decides something for themselves, they are unlikely to be convinced of much. Still, The Druid is known to be sturdy and dependable. This can manifest in a variety of wonderful qualities; loyalty, reliability, and diligence, to name a few.
The Druid is exceptionally productive, approaching jobs with diligence and always earning a little extra when they work for their pay. This can manifest in a variety of ways, from extra money to favour.
The Druid excels at being present. They stay grounded in the moment whether relaxing or working hard. None can be so stubborn, however. They must take care to keep their minds open to new possibilities, lest they become curmudgeonly stuck in their method and perspective.
- I won't say no to a good deal.
- Once I set out to do something, I'm steadfast in pursuing my objective.
- I treasure a good secret, and I'm very good at keeping them.
- A day spent lounging is a day well spent, it's important to take care of yourself.
- I could eat the same food, see the same people, and do the same work each and every day.
- I am straightforward in all matters, I see no need to embellish or adjust details.
- Being set in your ways just means you've had plenty of practice living.
- I use a distinct, old fashioned greeting for every social situation.
Satisfaction: A successful life is one enjoyed and appreciated.
Security: Today is best spent making certain tomorrow will go well.
Duty: Sometimes it's best to hold your tongue and do your job.
Loyalty: My friends stand with me, and I with them.
Nepotism: Me and mine must thrive, no matter the cost to others.
Persistence: You can't always get it right on the first try; practice makes perfect!
- My life's savings should always be growing.
- I have an intense loyalty to an organization, even if we don't always see eye to eye.
- My friends and family are my life, and I will see to it that they are cared for.
- I've experienced something incredible but rare, and I will stop at nothing to experience it again.
- I made a promise to a long-deceased loved one. I keep my promises.
- Nothing brings me more happiness than my spice garden.
- I often put my morals aside to go along with something bigger than myself.
- Sometimes I don't realize what I've done until I've finished doing it.
- Some might call me overprotective, but they simply don't understand what I do for them.
- If I've made up my mind about an interpersonal conflict, then that's final.
- What's mine is mine, and no one else has any right to it.
- Always providing for myself, I forget what it's like to be down on your luck.
Miscellaneous Ideas
Race: Water Genasi
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Orphan
Assigned Colour: #7A853B
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Wind
Greek God: Hestia, the Goddess of Hearth and the Home
Archangel: Chamuel, the Angel of Serenity and Devotion
Tarot Card: The Hierophant
House 2: Value
Birthstone: White, Diamond (Innocence and Love)
Race: Human
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Innocent
Assigned Colour: #7F513E
Zodiac: Aquarius
Element: Water
Greek God: Prometheus
Archangel: Uriel
Tarot Card: The Star
House 11: Friendships
Birthstone: Dark Red, Garnet (Constancy and Loyalty)
Prudence, circumspection; treason, dissimulation, roguery, or corruption.
The Monk is a seeker of knowledge that comes from within. A lonely wanderer in the path of night, he searches for that which can only be gained with long periods of solitude. To hear the inner voice, he must disconnect from the crowds whose voices and desires threaten to overcome his own. He breaks through the dark night of his unconscious, guided only by the low light of the northern star, with his destination being his home, his self.
If you are currently contemplating that you need to be alone, never be afraid to take this chance to reflect, as it could help you clear your mind of all the clutter that comes with everyday life. The Monk may also refer to your effort in taking action that is authentic and aligned with your true self. You are perhaps searching your inner soul for guidance on what is right, and where your next steps are to be.
Concerned Observers
The Monk is often meticulous, articulate, and fiercely loyal to their companions. Practically-minded, they are quick to notice the hair out of place, and are just as quick to articulate a concern for these smaller details. This, coupled with a principled and concerned heart, make them collected and level headed, if not slightly judgemental counterparts to their more eccentric and fanciful peers. Still, when The Monk finds a group to be trusted, they desire nothing more than acceptance and understanding. But be warned; The Monk spurned and unheeded may become distant and cold, habouring a silent and dangerous resentment.
Pattern Seeker
They are quick to pick up on patterns in the behaviours of beast and men alike. With enough time spent observing others, they can create detailed schedules and estimations as to the greater systems that they are a part of. For instance, they might be able to put together a patrol schedule for city guards or note the times that a particular merchant is away from their shop.
The Monk presents a series of traits in conflict. Though they are shy, they desire acceptance from others. Though they are immensely pragmatic, they become lost in details and particulars. Though they are compassionate, they also judge the characters of others harshly. These paradoxical personalities give The Monk a personal narrative to grapple with, creating deeply complex and introspective individuals.
- People say not to sweat the small stuff; such an irresponsible sentiment makes my skin crawl.
- My loquaciousness is thankfully balanced by my capacity for precise articulation.
- I have an opinion on everything, even the mundane.
- People rarely meet my very reasonable expectations; as such, I have developed a deeply disappointed sigh.
- I can't help but notice the subtle tells of those I care for, such as a disheartened gaze or frustrated grunt.
- I know I can do better, and I am always pushing myself to be better.
- Even in tough situations, I'm always searching for solutions.
- I fret over the details and loose ends of every plan.
Control: People are foolish and impulsive; only I have the scrutinous mind for rulership.
Organization: When something is out of place, I cannot turn a blind eye.
Advancement: I refuse to give up on myself or others, always believing we can do better.
Constituency: Even the smallest pebble is critical to the city it resides in.
Particularity: I live precisely within my own preferences, and I refuse to have that compromised.
Practicality: Things are the way they are; there's no use losing yourself to fancies and ideals.
- I will improve upon the efficiency of an organization I left.
- Not many people meet my standards but there's one person that's... perfect.
- My community has been deeply mismanaged and misled.
- Somebody I know is enfeebled and without care, so it is my responsibility to provide it.
- I can't stand to let a mess fester. I must clean it.
- My fastidious and principled nature turns people off; those that stay have my fierce loyalty.
- Even a lobotomized drill sergeant would tell me to lighten up.
- I'm a control freak because others don't know how to organize or run things.
- Whether I'm flapping my big mouth or nursing a quiet disapproval, I am always judging.
- I'm plagued with self-doubt; it feels like I'll never be the person I know I should be.
- I don't advocate for myself, assuming people will be turned off by my concerns.
- I get so focused on the finer details that I frequently miss the bigger picture.
Miscellaneous Ideas
Race: Aarakocra
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Sage
Assigned Colour: #51A5C5
Zodiac: Virgo
Element: Holy
Greek God: Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest and Agriculture
Archangel: Metatron, the Angel with the Celestial Scribe
Tarot Card: The Hermit
House 6: Work and Health
Birth Stone: Light Green, Peridot (Felicity and Protection)
Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity.
The Paladin has inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. You have the ability to remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. You are a compassionate person and you always have time for other people even if it's at your own expense.
The Paladin is a very patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that they put their mind to. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. This kind of compassion will always be rewarded with having a lot of stability in your life either presently or in the near future.
A King's Charisma
The Paladin was born with the same kind of charisma and majesty as the king of the jungle. Wielding a silver tongue and a larger-than-life attitude, The Paladin finds people gravitating towards them, intentionally or not. Of course, he welcomes the attention, fueling their passions from the wonder and appreciation of others. Though they may appear fickle and feckless, one should be careful to not cross The Paladin without purpose, for beneath their fanciful exterior is a profoundly capable force of will, and they will not hesitate to bear their teeth when necessary.
Party Crasher
The Paladin always finds a way to be heard out. So long as others are not hostile towards you, you can always get their attention and have them listen to what you have to say, even if it means interrupting an ongoing ceremony, event, or argument.
The Paladin is embodied by great humour, generosity and passion, making them a natural born leader and hero. That being said, the other side of this gregarious attitude often needs to prioritize which pride is most important to them, torn between loyalty to their loved ones and their own inflated ego. Additionally, their sense of entitlement and the attention they invite onto themselves can leave them with a target on their back from those that they have unknowingly spited.
- Only the most ostentatious outfits can represent my inner beauty.
- Naturally suave and stylish, I fancy myself to be quite debonair.
- My intentions are noble, hence why I insert myself in every situation.
- I dedicate myself to works of passion, which I present loudly and proudly.
- Considering my likeability and confidence, it makes sense that I often find myself the leader!
- I know how to have a good time, whether I'm working or not.
- I'm not a gossip; I just like to know what's going on.
- I try to keep my surroundings light and friendly with a well timed joke and boast.
Responsibility: I have the power to influence others, I cannot abuse it.
Passion: Don't limit yourself; be loud and expressive so everyone knows who you are!
Heroship: I wish to be a fabled warrior who fights against evil.
Leadership: My word should be headed and followed.
Joy: I cannot allow myself to lose sight of what I enjoy.
Fame: I will stop at nothing to have the reputation my name deserves.
- A lion is nothing without their pride; the people that love them.
- I am the most important person I know and will do right by me.
- I want to be just like someone I have long admired.
- I've left broken hearts in my wake, but I can't forget the one who left me.
- I'm going to burn bright, not long.
- My lifestyle has left me with critics whom I aim to discredit.
- I have no flaws.
- My happiness depends on the validation of others.
- When the going gets tough, I retreat to a cushion and some good wine.
- I will not be denied my refined and expensive tastes.
- My ego was wounded long ago, but I still have something to prove.
- I don't overestimate my own capabilities, I just underestimate my obstacles!
Miscellaneous Ideas
Species: Lion
Archetype: The Hero
Assigned Colour: #B59E54
Zodiac: Leo
Element: Earth
Greek God: Zeus, the God of the Sky
Archangel: Raziel, the Angel of Secrets
Tarot Card: Strength
House 5: Pleasure
Birthstone: Red, Ruby (Nobility and Beauty)
Economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation.
In moments where there is great anxiety or stress, The Ranger is able to remain calm throughout. The Ranger is a person who has mastered the art of not letting things get to them, and this allows them to achieve much progress in all areas they seek out to explore.
The Ranger has a clear vision and knows what they want to achieve. This is an indication of higher learning, which is a critical attribute in the journey of life. It reflects that they have found peace with what they are doing and everything is unfolding as it ought to.
The Ranger, in relation to other people, shows that they are able to adapt and work in harmony with their community, their coworkers, and their loved ones. Their calmness in all matters gives others comfort and puts them at ease. In a time to evaluate and re-examine the priorities you have chosen, The Ranger will help you create a balance between your outer and inner self.
Scattered Precision
The attention of The Ranger is as straight as an arrow, but with no target. This highly passionate individual is easily attracted to new ideas, becoming swept up in an experience before something else comes along. This leads The Ranger to pursue their interests with fervor, but also leads them to be fickle in their long term aims. Due to this tenacity, The Ranger is often outgoing and optimistic about their ventures.
A Fabled Map
The Ranger has slowly but surely crafted a map to a fabled place or legendary treasure. They haven't crafted a complete route yet, but with a few more leads, they might find it.
The Ranger may not be present long, but they leave a trail of influence wherever they go. This fluid individual can have a widespread impact and experience a staggering variety of what life has to offer, granting them a widely informed perspective. They must maintain their passion and practice discipline however, or they could find themselves becoming overly impulsive, self-absorbed, and harbouring a gaping hole in their heart as they are desperate to fill it but unable to properly cultivate a meaningful existence.
- Nothing is worse than being trapped inside all day.
- Honesty is paramount among peers, even if it stings.
- Once the question arises, I'm restless until the answer is found.
- I need time away from the concerns of others to find myself.
- Thinking is the same thing over for too long is a waste of time.
- I'm no armchair philosopher, I actively seek other perspectives and insights.
- Cracking jokes is an important principle in any social interaction, funny or not.
- A variety of experiences, not just the pleasant ones, are important for a worldly perspective.
Novelty: A life lived to the fullest is one full of variety.
Enrichment: I have a lot of wisdom and joy to spread, and it can change lives for the better.
Superiority: I should be able to do what I want, ensuring no one stands in my way.
Concord: The world would be better off if it unified behind my perspective.
Nature: The world should be appreciated as it is, those who try to change it are foolhardy at best.
Spontaneity: Lofty goals are well and good, but life is about living day to day and experiencing the immediate.
- I seek obscure knowledge held by forgotten people and in hidden places.
- I am always seeking a more intense high.
- My sunny disposition hides a deep trauma. I spend my life running from its source.
- Those who have become disenchanted with life need to be shown why it is worth living.
- Someone wants the best for me, but their rules were far too arbitrary and restrictive.
- I have a family that relies on me. Of course, I'm too busy providing for them to visit.
- When things don't go as planned, I'd rather just move on to something else entirely.
- If I'm becoming impatient, it means that you are failing to maintain my interest.
- Leave details to the pedants who so covet them, my intuition is all I need.
- If people don't see things my way, it's probably because I'm smarter than them.
- Even when things are going well, I feel the need to change and try something different.
- When something interests me, I lose myself in it. That is, until something else comes along.
Miscellaneous Ideas
Race: Elf
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Explorer
Assigned Colour: #507F62
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Element: Soul
Greek God: Dionysus, the God of Wine and Ecstasy
Archangel: Raguel, the Angel of Justice
Tarot Card: Temperance
House 9: Higher Learning
Birthstone: Yellow, Topaz (Friendship and Strength)
Race: Halfling
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Creator
Assigned Colour: #555752
Zodiac: Pisces
Element: Ice
Greek God: Ishtar
Archangel: Sandalphon
Tarot Card: The Moon
House 12: Subconscious
Birthstone: Purple, Amethyst (Sincerity and Peace)
Race: Dragonborn
Race (Furry): Dragon
Archetype: The Caregiver
Assigned Colour: #992E2E
Zodiac: Cancer
Element: Gravity
Greek God: Artemis
Archangel: Gabriel
Tarot Card: The Cariot
House 4: Home and Family
Birthstone: Light Purple, Alexandrite (Balance and Joy)
Race: Tiefling
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Lover
Assigned Colour: #7B469B
Zodiac: Libra
Element: Aether
Greek God: Aphrodite
Archangel: Jophiel
Tarot Card: Justice
House 7: Partnerships
Birthstone: Dark blue, Sapphire (Wisdom and Calmness)
Race: Gnome
Race (Furry):
Archetype: The Magician
Assigned Colour: #2A50A1
Zodiac: Capricorn
Element: Lightning
Greek God: Apollo
Archangel: Azrael
Tarot Card: The Devil
House 10: Reputation
Birthstone: Blue, Zircon (Wisdom and Wealth)